In August 2023, the shipment of equipment for the reconstruction of a biogas plant in Slovakia was completed
(EN) In August 2023, the shipment of equipment for the reconstruction of a biogas plant in Slovakia was completed. The new equipment makes it possible to double the station's productivity and use highly productive raw materials such as corn straw and bird droppings. All owners of biogas plants are invited to our office in Nuremberg to discuss the reconstruction of the Biogas plant and increase its productivity or the construction of a new facility. We offer only effective technologies!!!

(SK) V auguste 2023 bola ukončená expedícia zariadení na rekonštrukciu bioplynovej stanice na Slovensku. Nové zariadenie umožňuje zdvojnásobiť produktivitu stanice a využívať vysoko produktívne suroviny, ako je kukuričná slama a vtáčí trus. Všetci majitelia bioplynových staníc sú pozvaní do našej kancelárie v Norimbergu, aby prediskutovali rekonštrukciu bioplynovej stanice a zvýšenie jej produktivity alebo výstavbu nového zariadenia. Ponúkame len efektívne technológie!!!
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